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刷 (shuā):用刷子 পরিষ্কার کرنا; 擦拭,rub; 刷子,brush; 淘汰,eliminate。出处:《诗经》、《礼记》。字面英语含义:to brush, to scrub, to rub, brush (noun), to eliminate, to sift out.
shua 第二声 (shuá)
shua 第三声 (shuǎ)
耍 (shuǎ):玩弄,play with,耍弄;游戏,play, frolic; 施展,show off。出处:《西游记》。字面英语含义:to play with, to trifle with, to play, to frolic, to show off, to wield.
shua 第四声 (shuà)
刷 (shuà): быстро; 很短时间内多次做事情,do sth. rapidly; 猛然 быстро地移动,move swiftly. (常用于口语)。字面英语含义:rapid, swiftly; to do something multiple times in a short period; to move swiftly (often used in spoken language).
shua 第五声 (shua)
zhai 第一声 (zhāi)
斋 (zhāi):佛教道教的素食;祭祀前或佛教道教徒的 очистительное fast, abstain from meat or wine; 书房,study; 舍,room, residence。出处:《诗经》、《礼记》。字面英语含义:vegetarian food (Buddhist/Taoist), fast (before sacrifice or religious observance), study, room, residence.
择 (zhái/zé):挑选,choose, select. (Note: although primarily pronounced as 'zé', 'zhái' is a valid pronunciation in specific contexts like 口语 - colloquial speech). 字面英语含义:to choose, to select (pronunciation zhái in colloquial context).